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Lower Mainland, Island and northern British Columbia
Yvonne Futter Phone: 604.506.7114 Toll Free: 1.866.867.1777 Fax: 403.718.3042
Headshot of Yvonne Futter
Edmonton, central & northern Alberta
Eric Doucet Phone: 403.806.8466
Headshot of Eric Doucet
Manager, National Accounts
Eric Doucet Phone: 403.806.8466
Headshot of Eric Doucet
Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island
Paul Delaney Phone: 905.866.7162 Toll Free: 1.844.734.4762
Headshot of Paul Delaney
Manager, National Accounts
Eric Doucet Phone: 403.806.8466
Headshot of Eric Doucet
Select a location from above to display BDMs
Contact a BDM
Lower Mainland, Island and northern British Columbia
Yvonne Futter
Phone: 604.506.7114
Toll Free: 1.866.867.1777
Fax: 403.718.3042
Headshot of Yvonne Futter
Edmonton, central & northern Alberta
Eric Doucet
Phone: 403.806.8466
Headshot of Eric Doucet
Manager, National Accounts
Eric Doucet
Phone: 403.806.8466
Headshot of Eric Doucet
Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island
Paul Delaney
Phone: 905.866.7162
Toll Free: 1.844.734.4762
Headshot of Paul Delaney
Manager, National Accounts
Eric Doucet
Phone: 403.806.8466
Headshot of Eric Doucet

Dustin Spate: Bringing fun to underwriting

Name: Dustin Spate

Role: Mortgage Underwriter with Bridgewater Bank

Years worked in financial services: 11

Work location: Lethbridge

Superpower: Problem-solving

Dustin may be new to Bridgewater Bank, but he’s not new to helping people find that perfect mortgage solution. He is a mortgage underwriter working out of Lethbridge who helps people across the country get the mortgage they want and need. As a problem solver, he’s well suited to the role, and a light-hearted person, he brings fun to the office.

Starting out in finance

Q: How did you become interested in the financial services industry?

Dustin: I actually became interested in mortgages when my wife and I tried to buy a house. As we went through the process, I realized this was something I wanted to do, and I pursued my license. I worked as a broker assistant for two years and a mortgage broker for nine.

Q: In the span of your career, what are you most proud of?

Dustin: In 2018, I was part of a Masters Club for Mortgage Alliance as one of Canada’s 25 top mortgage brokers.

The path to alternative lending

Q: What led you to Bridgewater Bank?

Dustin: I enjoyed the broker work, but when I looked at what I wanted out of my life and career, I found I wanted to put together deals. I was already underwriting a bit for other brokers in the office. When the underwriting job opportunity at Bridgewater Bank came up, I jumped on it. Now, I get to work on deals all the time, and that’s so much more fun.

Q: What is your alternative lending experience?

Dustin: Most of my alternative lending experience has been here at Bridgewater Bank. When I worked as a broker, most of my clients didn’t need an alternative lending solution. I spent quite a bit of time helping them qualify by coaching them on things like how to reduce debt ratios and improve credit scores.

Q: What is your favourite part of being an underwriter?

Dustin: I love everything about it. I see new files every day, with challenging scenarios and situations for the people I’m trying to help. It is refreshing to face something different each time I open a file.

On a personal note

Q: What’s your best childhood memory?

Dustin: I remember being out at my grandparents’ acreage in BC. The snow was taller than I was, and I loved the calmness of being in the woods.

Q: Who do you most admire in life?

Dustin: There is no one person. Rather, I admire anyone brave enough to pursue their passions.

Q: If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?

Dustin: I have travelled a lot, but if I could choose, I’d want you to drop me in the middle of nowhere. It kind of goes with my love of problem-solving. I enjoy working with my hands and would enjoy learning to live off the land. Yes, I really like camping, but my wife…not so much, so we haven’t done much of it lately.

Q: What’s a skill you’d like to learn and why?

Dustin: As I mentioned, I’m good with my hands. I enjoy working on projects, like the built-in bench I made for our kitchen table. I would like to learn more about using chisels and handcrafting furniture.

Final thoughts

Q: Do you want to share some final thoughts about your job?

Dustin: My favourite part of being a broker was helping people get into a house. Over the past few years, real estate prices and interest rates have increased, making it harder for a mortgage professional to help people. Working for an alternative lender like Bridgwater Bank gives me more flexibility, and I’m finding a great deal of satisfaction in being able to help when other lenders can’t.

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