Eric Doucet: Business Development Manager

Name: Eric Doucet
Role: Business Development Manager with Bridgewater Bank
Years worked in financial services: 12
Work location: Calgary, AB
Territory: Edmonton, central & northern AB, Okanagan, Sasktchewan
Superpower: Bringing a different point of view
If you can’t sort out a problem or need a fresh perspective, ask Eric. His background is a little different from those of his colleagues in that he did not spend his early career in finance. With an operational, service and sales background, he can give you some new insight into any situation.
The path to becoming a business development manager (BDM)
Q: You took a roundabout way to get into your role. Tell us about that.
Eric: I’ve been with Bridgewater Bank for almost twelve years, and it’s actually my first job in financial services. My background is in service and sales. I’ve been doing that for over 20 years with large and small companies. When I came to the bank, I was brought in as a Customer Experience Manager, looking after existing clients.
Q: Why did you decide to work in the mortgage industry?
Eric: My wife and I lived in Montreal, and she had a great job opportunity in Calgary. We made the move, and I took some time deciding what kind of work I wanted to do.
When the opportunity at Bridgewater Bank came up, I felt it would be a great area to work in. As I learned about the bank, I discovered that it has excellent leadership and values aligned with mine. So, I applied.
Q: How do you stay informed about what’s happening in the market?
Eric: I have lived in many of the country’s markets and visited nearly every province. We have a team across the country, and I draw on their experience and insight. I also keep in touch with industry resources, insurers, real estate professionals and brokers. I talk to them day in and day out—they are such a wealth of knowledge.
There are conferences and networking opportunities, virtual booths, and news sources. Canadians love housing news. The key is listening to what people are willing to tell you and using more traditional resources.
Alternative lending makes a difference
Q: Why choose an alternative lending position?
Eric: I knew basic information about mortgages on a personal level. I found the alternative lending space to be empowering. People are capable of having a home but can’t get a traditional home mortgage. As alternative lenders, we can help those people find a solution.
If it were not for alternative lending, they might not have been able to buy a home. They can put whatever financial anomalies that are in their credit score behind them, and we’re able to help them do that.
Q: What’s your favourite part of being a BDM?
Eric: I really like helping people, and I’ve built my career over the last 30 years finding solutions that actually work. On the broker side, I enjoy connecting with my partners and helping them find solutions for their clients, especially if the client has encountered a bump in the road. We’ve had success in helping people re-establish their credit or gain credit when they’ve needed it. That is a powerful way to impact someone’s life.
On a personal note
Q: What’s your most treasured item?
Eric: Stuff is great, but memories are more important. My wife, daughter and I have been through so much together, especially with the pandemic. This special relationship and closeness is something I treasure the most. It’s also made me realize I need to prioritize spending time with people that matter to me.
Q: If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?
Eric: French Polynesia. An over-water villa and white sand would hit the spot.
Q: What’s a skill you’d like to learn and why?
Eric. I love water, and I’d like to learn to scuba dive. There has to be water on my vacations. Don’t make me jog—just put me in a pool.
Final thoughts
Q: Do you want to share some final thoughts about your job?
I have a cool job, and I like the variety. I get to connect with so many people, and more importantly, I get to help people achieve dreams they thought were out of reach.