Prove your self-employed clients' income in multiple ways using our self-employed mortgage suite.
Talk to your BDM!An excellent option for borrowers with substantial tax write-offs reflected on their financial statements but whose ability to repay their loan is strong due to the sustainability of their business, sufficient gross incomes and strong cash positions.
Our bank statement option is an alternative underwriting method that considers the challenges of these low-risk borrowers who are responsible business owners.
A simple solution for your clients:
Download our bank statement forms right now:
Be sure to download your mortgage broker resources above, created to make your Flex submissions smooth and easy.
Check out a recent deal we funded using bank statements here.
Our alt-provable option helps your client find the income they need to get their ratios in line. Best for those clients:
We employ three distinct approaches to qualify income for this option: The addback approach, gross-up approach, and the profit margin approach.
Download our alt-provable forms right now:
The entire list of possible income verification documents can be found here.
Talking to your BDM before you submit will bring the best outcome for your client.
Experience the benefits of an expertly tailored solution.
Attention to detail is key to alt lending. The more information you provide, the better the outcome (better turnaround time, accurate rate, approved file, etc.). By collaborating with your BDM to package your deal, you’ll make the most of your client’s time (and yours). Help us vet your file before submitting your deal. Complete our vetting form to get the conversation started.
Who is this form for?
Does this sound like you? If yes, complete our vetting form below with as many details as possible. Next, a BDM will reach out, and you’ll be in a great position to chat.